3. Can Gender Quotas Improve Public Service Provision? Evidence from Indian Local Government (with Alexander Lee) (Accepted, Comparative Political Studies)
Winner of Best Paper in Urban or Regional Politics -- 2021 APSA
2. Gender Quotas and Upward Political Mobility in India (Conditionally Accepted, Quarterly Journal of Political Science)
1. Gender quotas hurt less privileged groups? Evidence from India (with Alexander Lee). American Journal of Political Science 64 (4): 757-772, 2020
Media Coverage: The Hindu
Book Project
Who Wins? Electoral Gender Quotas in India (In Progress, Book outline available on request)
Working Papers
The Limits of Electoral Gender Quotas in Rural Local Bodies (with Gaurav Sood)
Are Women Better Politicians? Discrimination, Gender Quotas, and Electoral Accountability (with Zuheir Desai and Sergio Montero)
Skewed Scales of Justice: Labor Disputes in The Indian Supreme Court
Political Exit: The Unintended Effects of Electoral Rules (with Sudhir Singh and Drew Stommes)
Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Battle for Credit (with Emiel Awad and Lawrence Rothenberg)
The Paradox of Internet Shutdowns: Personal Experience and Public Support in Rural India (with Avinash Collis and Kiran Garimella)
Missing Women on the Streets of Indian Cities (with Gaurav Sood)
Give or Take: Legislator Trade-off in India (with Zuheir Desai)
Urban Policing in India (with Resuf Ahmed and Priyadarshi Amar)
Disruptions in the Indian Parliament (with Zuheir Desai and Alexander Lee)
The Moderating Effects of Moderate Political Parties? (with Aidan Milliff and Drew Stommes)
Policy Writing
Impact of Fourteenth Finance Commission: Karnataka Budget, 2015–16 (with Pranay Kotasthane). Economic & Political Weekly 50 (46-47), 16-20, 2016.
Karnataka’s Changing Fiscal Landscape (with Pranay Kotasthane). Economic & Political Weekly 51 (33), 21, 2015.